Saturday, January 03, 2009


Welcome to the hub of our English 97 class. This is ourspace for our voices in a zone that's part personal and part academic. Each person's blogs will reflect his or her unique voice and point of view.

This quarter, we'll be writing on a book we'll all be reading together: Sherman Alexie's "The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian." We'll be writing about quotes we find intriguing, worthy of discussion, and/or confusing and we'll also be writing personal experiences that mirror the main character's. Throughout this quarter, we will be writing our thinking and our lives in these blogs.

Let me introduce our space to you. On the sidebar are the ghosts of English 97. If you ever need some inspiration, take a look at the blogs from previous students. There are also links to the current members of this class. If you click on their name, you'll find their blog. So as you can see, this class blog is really a hub for all of us.

Alexie writes, "If one reads enough books one has a fighting chance. Or better, one's chances of survival increase with each book one reads" so here's our fighting chance. We're excited about what's ahead! Come back often and leave us a comment! Stay tuned!